Before I do a healing I ask the person's spirit guides and all the Light Beings to do the healing through me, and ask for what the person needs in life.
Healings in different levels come through me during the session.
I started becoming aware of direct connection with God and Light Beings since I was a little child, and after a while I understood that I had been doing astral projections for a couple of years. When I was sixteen, I started channeling the Mayan Healing Sessions I do now.
I received from Spirit the name Mayan Healing Hands, maybe because I have Mayan blood. My grandmother was a Mayan Shaman.
How to channel a Healing:
Go inside yourself.
You are unique. Ask God or your Light Beings to heal through you,
trust completely and let it flow.
Trying to follow an exact technique puts your mind on the way and blocks the healing.
The channeling will develop better after each healing session.